Support GraceFinder

How can I get involved?

Join our Resource team, supplying resources to students, search out campus opportunities in your own area that we can help you evaluate.

  • Keep us informed of students who are coming our way.

  • You can also give by etransfer to

What do we do with your donations?

Provide meals, events, BBQ’s, and studies for students

  • Promotional materials – pamphlets, folders, magnets etc.

  • Staff salaries

  • Ongoing professional development

  • Advisor mentoring (we pay a fee)

  • Travel

  • Costs for providing seminars to churches

  • Costs for educational consultation

Donate with Credit Card

Donate with PayPal

How can I get involved?

Join our Resource team, supplying resources to students, search out campus opportunities in your own area that we can help you evaluate.

  • Keep us informed of students who are coming our way.

  • You can also give by etransfer to

What do we do with your donations?

Provide meals, events, BBQ’s, and studies for students

  • Promotional materials – pamphlets, folders, magnets etc.

  • Staff salaries

  • Ongoing professional development

  • Advisor mentoring (we pay a fee)

  • Travel

  • Costs for providing seminars to churches

  • Costs for educational consultation

Donate with Credit Card

Donate with PayPal