Support GraceFinder
How can I get involved?
Join our Resource team, supplying resources to students, search out campus opportunities in your own area that we can help you evaluate.
Keep us informed of students who are coming our way.
You can also give by etransfer to
What do we do with your donations?
Provide meals, events, BBQ’s, and studies for students
Promotional materials – pamphlets, folders, magnets etc.
Staff salaries
Ongoing professional development
Advisor mentoring (we pay a fee)
Costs for providing seminars to churches
Costs for educational consultation
Donate with Credit Card
Donate with PayPal
How can I get involved?
Join our Resource team, supplying resources to students, search out campus opportunities in your own area that we can help you evaluate.
Keep us informed of students who are coming our way.
You can also give by etransfer to
What do we do with your donations?
Provide meals, events, BBQ’s, and studies for students
Promotional materials – pamphlets, folders, magnets etc.
Staff salaries
Ongoing professional development
Advisor mentoring (we pay a fee)
Costs for providing seminars to churches
Costs for educational consultation
Donate with Credit Card
Donate with PayPal