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A Mark That No Longer Stains...

By Bryan Clarke

In the song Grace by U2, Bono sings: What left a mark no longer stains... This thought broke into my summer slumber. The marks sting yes, chafe yes, bring weariness true but not STAIN. Not permanent, not forever, even though the journey can feel so long.
Jesus let's us see life through a different lens like John C. Miller says, "You may not want to look at yourself or face the truth, but Jesus knows you through and through. He loves you, and he invites you to believe in him, to receive him, and to believe in the forgiveness of your sins. Never again look at your sins apart from Christ . You can’t handle them. You’ll either suppress them and deny that they’re there, or if you see how bad they are, they will overwhelm you. Learn to view your mistakes, your failings, and your transgressions in the light of Jesus’s forgiveness." because what left a mark no longer stains, the indelible mark is grace, there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus...

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