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By admin

Summer Reading!

Hope your summer has been going well.

Here are some of the books I have read or I am still reading:
The Rest of God - Mark Buchanan
Age of Opportunity - Paul David Tripp
The Future of Justification - John Piper
Everything Must Change - Brian McLaren
Bold Love - Allender
Dragonspell - Donita K. Paul
A Quest for More - Paul David Tripp
Is Religion Dangerous? - Keith Ward

If you have any recommendations on books that will help us grow as GraceFinders let me know!


3 comments on “”

  1. Hey Bryan:

    Add Randy(?) Elkhorn on heaven to your list.

    The (GRACE)finder logo looks very cool. Would morph into a letterhead/business card very nicely, I'd think.

    Not sure of the proper etiquette on blogs, so I hope I'm not dissing the sub-culture. 😉

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