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Pray For Wisdom for GraceFinder

By Bryan Clarke

GraceFinder Continues to Seek to Develop Young Leaders Who Are Found in Grace and Finding Grace for Life...

With this article below in mind, please pray for wisdom as we navigate these uncertain times. We continue to develop young leaders using Zoom in book clubs, providing resources, one one one, and whatever means necessary while we encourage them to find grace in a church community of faith to journey for life. With many people facing layoffs and financial difficulty we have been reticent to ask for support but if you find that you have the means this is a very opportune time. With open hands, we look to the grace of the servant King of our world...Jesus. http://gracefinder.org/support-new/


We would love to hear from you on Messenger, text at 5877854344, or email at bclarkegracefinder@gmail.com

In Him,


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